Our Certifications


There is more than meets the eye in “biodegradation”! An entire army of microorganisms attacks the material to be broken down and the army differs according to the environment (the specific temperature, moisture content, pH, supply of oxygen, etc.) where biodegradation occurs.

A product’s application determines the ideal biodegradation environment. Accordingly, Belgium has already introduced a law to decide that packaging may not be presented as biodegradable. After all, the idea is not to have packaging spread around on a massive scale like litter because it is “biodegradable”. TUV AUSTRIA’s specialists support the idea of this legislation – applied only in Belgium for the time being – and are able to specify the correct biodegradation environment for your products thanks to their verification marks.

In order to avoid any misleading communication, the Certification Committee analyzes each application to verify if the certification of this product is acceptable. 

Plastic Free bags compostable bags  manufactured from Plant Based  material


Packaging or products bearing the OK compost INDUSTRIAL label are guaranteed to be biodegradable in an industrial composting plant. This applies to all of their components, inks and additives. The sole reference point for the certification program is the harmonized EN 13432: 2000 standard: in any event, any product bearing the OK compost INDUSTRIAL logo complies with the requirements of the EU Packaging Directive ( 94/62/EEC).

OK compost HOME 

On account of the comparatively small volume of waste involved, the temperature in a garden compost heap is clearly lower and less constant than in an industrial composting environment. Composting in the garden is therefore a more difficult, slower-paced process.
TÜV AUSTRIA’s innovative answer to this challenge is the OK compost HOME certification system to guarantee complete biodegradability in the light of specific requirements, even in your garden compost hea


TÜV AUSTRIA (formerly Vinçotte) is a certification body authorized by European Bioplastics and may therefore award the Seedling logo to products that are in compliance with EN 13432. By awarding both the OK compost INDUSTRIAL and the Seedling logo, TÜV AUSTRIA’s certificate holders are able to have their compostable products recognized throughout the entire European market.

Our Product Certifications